Information on the call to creditors and the so-called "Liquidation Upgrade Program (LUP)"
This information from the bankruptcy administration is based on several requests from investors / purchasers of tokens regarding the call to creditors, the timing and manner of the claim registration in the bankruptcy proceedings, and uncertainties in connection with the so-called "Liquidation Upgrade Program (LUP)".
The bankruptcy administration states the following:
- The website is the official and sole website of the bankruptcy administration (Bankruptcy Office of the Canton of Zug) which is solely responsible for bankruptcy proceedings. Other websites / social media channels are not used by the bankruptcy administration for their official communication.
- Investors / purchasers of tokens will have to register their claims as part of the call to creditors in the portal provided for this purpose by the bankruptcy administration. Access to this portal will be exclusively available on on the occasion of the call to creditors.
- The instructions for using this portal, which were already published on on 27 September 2019, are intended to help investors / purchasers of tokens to prepare their claim registration in the context of the upcoming call to creditors.
- The call to creditors is expected to take place on 28 October 2019. It will be published on the website
- The so-called "Liquidation Upgrade Program (LUP)" does not form part of the official bankruptcy proceedings nor is it connected in any way with the bankruptcy administration. Any participation in this program is the sole responsibility of the respective participant and is in particular not required for the registration of claims within the scope of the call to creditors in the bankruptcy proceeding.